A review by mayaqt97
Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon


3.5 stars. I quite liked this book, although it did give me a The Fault in Our Stars kind of feel and it's no secret that I didn't really like TFIOS(as dubbed by fans). Anyway, there were some things I couldn't wrap my head around. I didn't have a problem with the "It was all a lie" ending. I pretty much figured that's where it would go. I just felt like there were a lot of holes in the concept of Madeline's illness. Like, for instance, I felt like the reason for Madeline's mostly white wardrobe was that she might be allergic to the dyes. But then Madeline goes and buys different color tops for when she meets Olly and it was like no big deal. Nothing was said about the clothing needing to be decontaminated. And her mother never even questioned why she felt she needed new clothing. Anyway, like I said, I did like the book. It was a good, kinda fast read. Nicola Yoon writes pretty well. My favorite example of this was the "The Five Senses" chapter and then the first sentence of the next chapter was "We come to our senses." Excellent word play :D So yeah. I'm kinda looking forward to seeing the movie now(obviously) but I might not, I don't know.