A review by joanna1905
Coming Up for Air by George Orwell


As an avid Orwell fan, I must say this book is not as good as many of his others. Ignoring the iconic 1984 and Animal Farm, many of his other works such as Down and Out in Paris and London are much better.

The best thing about Orwell's work is his writing style, he manages to make the most menial things seem lively and exciting. The way he describes everyday life, managing to make it seem so vibrant and lively and it gives an interesting perspective on what life was like in the early 1900s.

One of the worst thing about this book is the flippant way violence against animals, infidelity and casual racism is pretty hard to stomach. I totally understand that it was written in a different time when these things were more common and socially acceptable, but it's still gross and hard to stomach.