A review by lazygal
Close to the Bone by Stuart MacBride


Less stock-charactery than the last DI McRae, which is good. He's got good instincts, but OMG has he had a horrible life thus far (read previous books for that backstory). Like Rebus, his relationships with the seedier underside of Aberdeen's rulers both stands him in good stead and leads to serious problems - I can't wait to see how he resolves this!

The twists and turns of the story are a little unexpected, with the bundles of bones that are left around McRae's house (ok, caravan) leading to a much larger mystery. At times one wants the action to stop briefly so readers, and the characters, can catch their breath while at others the comic breaks (especially when Steele is around) just annoys. While the culprits are hinted at, there isn't so much telegraphing that it's easy to figure out whodunnit, which to me is the mark of a good mystery. It was good that we get far less "the weather in Aberdeen is crap" than in previous books!

My hope for the next book is less Steele, and more of McRae getting a grip on his life and future. Whichever direction that might lead.