A review by dreamofbookspines
Kitchen Chinese: A Novel about Food, Family, and Finding Yourself by Ann Mah


Let me preface this by saying that I adore Ann Mah's writing. I loved her memoir. She's great.


The main character in this book is, well, a bit of an idiot. Ok, a lot of an idiot. She's 30 and writes her texts like a 12 year old. She's 30 and still thinks it's ok to break up with someone via text message. She is utterly, embarrassingly clueless when it comes to other people's motivations. It's cringe-worthy to read about her and I don't cringe while reading. I'm not a cringer. But holy crap Isabelle, get your shit together.

One of the characters in this book said it best: "...watch the clichés, we're not fucking zombies". I like so-called chick lit as a genre. It doesn't have to be clichés and idiocy and boring plots and stereotypical characters. It doesn't have to be fluff. Isabelle does have rare moments of having good insight or musing on something smart. But the fact that they're rare is disappointing.

Then there's a slapdash hurried ending and BOOM! All tied up in a neat, boring bow. Overall Mah's writing (for me) made up for the gaggle of clichés that make up the plot.