A review by aldoregan
Here We Are: Feminism for the Real World by Kelly Jensen


“Your voice, your stories, your experiences—you deserve them, and you deserve to share them as loudly or quietly as you wish.”

Empowering as well as educational.

As I live my life as an eighteen year old girl living in a still developing society, I want to be able to learn about feminism as much as I can. I’ve claimed to be one since I was sixteen, but there are still so much about it that I don’t know about or have yet to understand. I still have my shortcomings as a feminist. And sometimes my actions may contradict with my beliefs. But this is why I want to learn about feminism. I don’t want to blindly pin the label on myself, but not understanding what it truly stands for.

“Go ahead. Go your own way with feminism. What you bring to the party and what inspires you are as important as the party itself.”

Feminism is merely believing that men and women should have equal rights and should be treated equally. It is not man-hating. It is not inclusive to privileged women only. It is not the belief that women are stronger and better. It is the belief of equality. Here We Are: Feminism for the Real World is a very important book because it doesn’t only explain what feminism is all about, it shows all sides of it. It is diverse and inclusive. Just like what true feminism is all about. The essays on this book are written by people of color, by people of the lgbtq+ community, by transmen and women, and even by men. It also gives importance to those who choose to be vocal about feminism and to those who choose to be lowkey about it. This book is an inspiration for all the different types of true feminists around the world.

Read this book. Learn from it.

“The girl you’ll live with cries when she is sad and laughs when she is happy and is brave most of the time but not always and burns fiercely with the light of her own dreams.”