A review by katereads2much
Gena/Finn by Hannah Moskowitz, Kat Helgeson

The first thing I want to say about "Gena/Finn" is that, in my opinion, the marketing and title did not match the book and that I was set up for an outcome that did not happen and it left me feeling angry and betrayed. If you are a lesbian and/or looking for a wlw story, I strongly encourage you to check out the spoiler a few paragraphs down.

The second is that if you are looking for a light, fluffy read DO NOT, under any circumstances, read this book.

None of this is to say that the book isn't good. It is intense and emotional and honestly real about fangirl experiences though perhaps a little more extreme and complicated than most of us will go through.

It uses blog posts, Tumblr, (sent and unsent) emails, journal entries, poems written by the characters, and text conversations to tell the story and it is one of the best examples I've seen of that kind of storytelling. I've read several books that use those types of vehicles to tell a story, and I don't think I've experienced anyone better able to pull the reader into the story when doing so.

SpoilerNow, this story does have elements characters of questioning sexuality, etcetera, so it is an LGBT story. One of the girls admits that she does sometimes feel attraction to other ladies. However, these girls do not end up together romantically. Their friendship is one of the most amazing I've seen displayed in fiction, but they don't end up together nor do either of them end up with a woman. Because of that, I felt disappointed in the book and angry for being misled, and it left a bad taste in my mouth, personally. Further, I'm not likely to read more from these authors.

This is a solid book plot, character development, and style wise, but I'm still mad about how I was set up to expect a very different book.