A review by cj_mo_2222
The Diva Serves Forbidden Fruit by Krista Davis


This is one of my favorite mystery series because I love the main character, event planner Sophie Winston. The friendships portrayed between her and her best friends make these books a pleasure to read. I would love to have a friend like Sophie. In between planning and running events and making treats for friends, she is able to solve crimes that her ex-boyfriend, Wolf, isn't able to, at least now without Sophie’s help. I also really like the Old Town Alexandria, Virginia setting and the descriptions of the wonderful homes and events in the area.

The murder mystery in this book is a little confusing but it did keep me guessing. Even though the book is part of a series, it reads as a standalone. I've enjoyed others in this series more, but still really liked the book. The books in the Domestic Diva series are always entertaining, although I’m continually baffled how people tolerate the rudeness of Natasha, Sophie’s frenemy. I’m sure many consider her funny, but I find her very annoying. When Natasha isn’t in the mix, I love the camaraderie between Sophie and her friends Nina, Bernie, and her ex-husband Mars. As much as I enjoy the friendship between Sophie and her ex, I admit to holding out hope for Sophie and Mars to get back together as a couple.

Thank you to NetGalley and Kensington Books for providing an advance copy of this ebook. The book was provided to me at no cost, but my review is voluntary and unbiased.