A review by toryhallelujah
Hark! the Herald Angels Scream by Christopher Golden


Fairly decent! One to read in drips and drabs, because too many Christmas horror stories back to back to back really lose their novelty.
1. Absinthe & Angels - 1 star
2. Christmas in Barcelona - 5 stars
3. Fresh as the New-Fallen Snow - 4 stars
4. Love Me - 2 stars
5. Not Just for Christmas - 3 stars
6. Tenets - 1 star (because holy DAMN were those guests overreacting with zero context!!!)
7. Good Deeds - 3.5 stars because even though it wasn't fantastically written, it was SO FUNNY. I fucking LOVED the premise -- that godawful "Christmas Shoes" song being so horrible that it sparks mass suicide. OMFG YES
8. It's a Wonderful Knife - 3 stars
9. Mistletoe and Holly - 2 stars (predictable)
10. Snake's Tail - 3 stars (I didn't get it...?)
11. The Second Floor of the Christmas Hotel - 4 stars because this one actually creeped me out
12. Farrow Street - 2 stars (it took me forever to figure out if the main character was British or American which really impacted the realism of the story)
13. Doctor Velocity - 1 star (is the Fire Zone some series I'm supposed to know about??)
14. Yankee Swap - 2 stars (it's just knockoff Saw and also I didn't get the ending)
15. Honor Thy Mother - 2 stars
16. Home - 3 stars because I didn't really get it either but it was evocative at least
17. Hiking Through - 4 stars and now I want to read Michael Koryta because it was FUNNY: "They had the questions you're used to from summer people if you grew up here [Maine] -- how cold is the winter, how much do we pay for lobster rolls, who has the best lobster roll, have you seen a moose, have you eaten a moose, have you seen a moose eating a lobster roll, and if so, how much did the moose pay for it?"
18. The Hangman's Bride - 2 stars (it went on...and on...and on...)