A review by thebookberrie
Stepsister by Jennifer Donnelly


February 2020 reread: Despite this not really fitting with my February romance month, I decided to reread this for a challenge and I can say I still liked it. My original review still fits 100%, I still love Isabelle and I can't wait to read this author's next dark fairytale retelling.


Original review:

Stepsister begins with Cinderella's ugly stepsisters cutting off parts of their feet to fit into the glass slipper. When the prince learns of Isabelle's deception, she's rightfully turned away in shame. All her life she's been told to fit a certain mold and to be like her perfect and beautiful stepsister and it has turned her mean and jealous. One day she gets a chance to change her destiny and she can finally take control of her own life. Beyond Isabelle's story is that of a Fate and Chance playing a game and a bet on how her life will go. Fate has one way mapped out but Chance plans to change it.
The wolves in the woods have sharp teeth and long claws, but it's the wolf inside who will tear you apart.
Oh man, this book really went there. This is a dark(ish) fairytale that is supremely feminist and fights how girls are supposed to be quiet and pretty and not "ugly" and have strong opinions. Almost all the women in this book are so badass, in many different ways. No one turned into a one-dimensional character and I liked that. I liked seeing even from the point of view from one of the so-called evil stepsisters that Ella isn't just some pretty girl with no other agenda but a kind girl who still had a rebellious (and petty) streak.

We love a redemption arc and my god, was Isabelle redeemed. I liked seeing a character known so long for being evil finally turned around and getting something good. Her journey was so good, I stan.

My major issue with this book is that while I liked it, I wasn't really grabbed and loving it. While the story was well written, some of the plot and events just got ridiculous and took forever to go anywhere. Even though I enjoyed the side of a Fate and Chance fighting to alter her life, it felt like it kept going and was felt a bit too wacky for the dark fairytale feel the story was originally going for.

But this book was not pretty and I liked that.