A review by shawnusaurus
The Venice Secret: A Dual-time Story about the Discovery of a Hidden Painting in a Loft by Anita Chapman


The Venice Secret is a dual-timeline story about the discovery of a hidden painting in a loft. In 2019, we meet Rachel who is recovering from a break-up and then finds a painting in her loft, while in 1780, Philippa, a governess, escapes to Venice on a journey.

I thoroughly enjoyed how the dual-timeline was approached in The Venice Secret. So often, stories can become confusing and convoluted, making it hard to keep track of where you are, but by switching timeline every other chapter, I found it easy to keep up with.

Historical fiction is very new to me, but after seeing this on Prime Reading, I figured I had nothing to lose - I'm so glad I made the decision to go with it!

I found myself invested in each woman's story, especially towards the end when things were starting to wrap up. I couldn't put it down!

While there was a romance element to the story, I didn't feel it was too "in your face" or detracted from the stories too much. It was also nice to see both women were independent and not reliant or desperate to have a love interest, rather the romance felt like simply an aspect of the overall stories.

Very enjoyable read, which may convince me to read more historical fiction!