A review by apopenhagen
Jessica's Guide to Dating on the Dark Side by Beth Fantaskey


This cover is gorgeous (let's just get that out of the way :D ) and the title is funny, so I thought I'd give it a go. At first, I didn't think that I would like this book due to it's vampire-ness, but I actually thought it was pretty decent.

Jessica herself is a fun character. I love love love that it took her so long to actually believe that Lucius was a vampire and wasn't psychotic (well, he was a little psychotic...). I thought that was so original (in a weird way, because it seems like the most obvious thing) since most vampire books either have the girl figuring it out (please. Like I'm just going to walk up to some guy and say, "hey, dude. I totes know that you're a vamp. We should make out now while you tell me it's too dangerous") or her believing it right away. Granted, Jess wasn't given direct evidence like some other characters are, but I still admired that she didn't blindly believe him, even when her parents told her it was true.

Lucius was your typical bad boy. I did like him, although he wasn't unique as far as characters go. I didn't like how he was with Faith, how it seemed like he really did like her. If I were Jess, I'd have flipped him off and forgotten about him. If that's how much he valued her (Jess) when they were engaged, then what about later when they're married? Once a cheater, always a cheater, type of thing. Plus, he always seemed to responsible to me.

Their romance was pretty cute. I liked how Jess didn't even realize that she liked him until she saw Faith with him, lol, I thought that was pretty good. And the sappy part of me liked the ending, although the rational part of me says that Jessica was totally stupid in doing that and she shouldn't have trusted the psychopath. But whatever.

Overall, very good for a vampire book! Although the premise of the second one doesn't sound all that interesting to me, I'll probably still read it.
