A review by coops456
A Room Swept White by Sophie Hannah


TV producer Fliss Benson receives an anonymous card at work. The card has sixteen numbers on it, arranged in four rows of four - numbers that mean nothing to her. On the same day, Fliss finds out she's going to be working on a documentary about miscarriages of justice involving cot-death mothers wrongly accused of murder. And then one of the mothers is found dead at her home, and in her pocket is a card with sixteen numbers on it, arranged in four rows of four...

I didn't realise that this was actually the 5th in a series featuring the same police officers; this is more psychological thriller than police procedural but just didn't work for me. I found it a bit of a slog; partly my own frame of mind but also most of the characters were pretty unsympathetic and - perhaps because of the context I'm missing from earlier books - behaved quite oddly at times.