A review by audiobooks_sweettea
My Heart Belongs in Niagara Falls, New York by Amanda Barratt


Un-put-downable! Yes, yes, I did go there. How could I not? This book is just that! Very hard to put down! I loved Ms. Barratt's captivating writing style and her historically rich plot line. I was up long into the night reading this novel and didn't want it to end. I could feel myself following the characters' journeys, seeing Niagra Falls come to life before me.

Getting to know Adele and Drew was refreshing. I loved their characters each equally. Drew's character really reminded me of a tender hearted guy that I could fall hard for. The love he had for his sister was evident and really made for a swoonworthy man. Adele, bless her, I loved how I could "hear" her English accent when she spoke to Drew. I loved that, since my mom's best friend is from England and I love to listen to her talk. Seeing Adele and Drew together.....well, I rooted for them until the end!

The journey that Adele takes isn't an easy one. It's a long, bumpy ride for sure. But, Ms. Barratt throws in the perfect amount of twists, and a whole lot of love and understanding from God and creates a wonderful, soul stealing story.

This is definitely a book I would recommend to all with a 4 star, two thumbs up, hats off praise! Ms. Barratt did a phenomenal job with her addition to the MY HEART BELONGS series, and I can't wait to add more of her books to my shelves. She's truly talented and definitely knows what to give readers who are looking for a "up all night, page turning, heart capturing" novel. Bravo, Ms. Barratt, bravo!

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Publisher and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*