A review by toryp
Survival Tactics by Elizabeth Bonesteel


It's always difficult rating short story collections. But on a whole I really loved how varied Elizabeth Bonesteel's stories were. While I loved the Central Corps series SO MUCH I felt that those stories were the weakest of the collection - I think that Jessica Lockwood's was confusing and Elena's was pretty superfluous.
My favourites were Single Point of Failure and Birthdays at the End of Time. I love Twilight Zone style sci-fi short stories and those are the ones that really hit like that. Also, Friends Like These was this completely open-ended story where you knew nothing about what was going on and it was somehow perfect.

Full ratings:
About Time - 2.5
Factory Reset - 3
The Haunting of Jessica Lockwood - 3.5
Overlay - 4
Single Point of Failure - 5
Unto Dust - 4
Thinking Inside the Box - 4
Friends Like These - 5
Govi - 2
Birthdays at the End of Time - 4.5