A review by octobertune
Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys: The Big Lie by Anthony Del Col


I used to be a fan of Nancy Drew back when I was a kid, read some of the books and I believe I even reread a couple of my favourites. I've been meaning to pick up some of the books recently, but couldn't remember which ones I had read in my youth. When I saw this graphic novel on here, I thought it would be perfect as I love graphic novels to bits. Unfortunately, it's been too long since I've read any Nancy Drew, so I had no idea what to expect. While I liked this novel, I thought the art style was not really my thing, and the story just felt different from what I remembered ND to be like. I missed the characters that I read about years ago, and even though the Hardy Boys are supposed to have been around since the beginning, I had no idea how they were. Then again, this graphic novel did make me want to pick up some more Nancy Drew books, so, all in all, it wasn't a bad read!