A review by 55_sallymander
AZ: Anno Zombie by Peter Mark May


AZ: ANNO ZOMBIE by Peter Mark May

I like a great zombie novel, just as much as the next person, but unfortunately, I was turned off immediately. The blurb sounded good, the genre is Horror but the language used left me with a bad taste in my mouth. The third word in the book is profanity. The second sentence has blasphemy. I will read books that have profanity in them, I'm not a prissy person, who can't accept what our world has turned into. But, with the blasphemy there on the same page, I found that I simply didn't want to devote any more time to the novel. Yes, I understand that in a war, zombie, or horror situation a person is probably going to get profane to get their point across. Maybe the author could put it further into the book, so it's more in passing than straight up before you even care about the characters or the plot.

There were no trigger warnings on the blurb. Highly disappointed.

I received a complimentary copy of #azannozombie from #netgalley I was under no obligation to post a review.