A review by rhubarb1608
The Ruins of Dantooine: Star Wars Galaxies Legends by Voronica Whitney-Robinson


Not gonna lie, I've been avoiding this book for years. I didn't like the cheesy cover, I was ambivalent about SWG being a legitimate source of canon, and seriously, what kind of name is "Voronica"? But if a book that disappoints me can fill me with more passionate hatred than one I simply didn't like, a book that takes me by surprise and impresses me deserves all the love I can throw its way!

I was initially skeptical of a protagonist named "Dusque Mistflier," but the book is absolutely worth four stars. Dusque is an Imperial scientist who travels the galaxy capturing and studying creatures the Empire might find of interest. When she finds herself wrapped up in a rebel plot, including the handsome agent Finn Darktrin and a holocron hidden away on Dantooine, all her quiet anti-Imperial doubts begin to explode.

Naturally the Empire is out to get this holocron as well, which is why the rebellion's got agents trying to get there first. It's a Raiders of the Lost Ark-style race for the artifact where there can only be one winner. Loam Redge is an Imperial Inquisitor whose job is to track down Force-sensitives; he's also after the artifact and I enjoyed his character very much.

I never got a chance to play SWG, but I gather the whole premise was very much how this book feels: Who is the Star Wars Everyman? The laypeople? The Joes and Jainas? This book gives rather regular people at regular jobs: concerts, paychecks, gas stations. Family drama. And all worked in with the bigger theme of galactic intrigue and spy games.

In many different ways, The Ruins of Dantooine is a great book that I found in the perfect location and which got me through a tough week. Good job, Voronica! Too bad there weren't more in this series.