A review by homosexual
The Marrow of Tradition by Charles W. Chesnutt


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TW/CW: child death, lynching (doesn’t happen but is mentioned for a chunk), a race riot/massacre happens (this is a historical fiction novel about a real event so maybe looking into that will help show you more details), n word usage

5/5. It was a 4.5 on writing, but the ending made me cry so by default a 5.

The first 25% was a slow buildup, but once the novel got going I was sucked into it. I actually liked the variety of POVS we got in this (thought the racists took up far too much of it imo, but I can also see why the author made that choice). The interactions that the characters have are also great. Like just seeing how certain characters interact is so interesting to read. It was also interesting to see how white supremacy progressed in this town. As well as a lot of comparisons between the whites and blacks and how that shows how racism is completely invalid.

The mystery/family drama that happens in the later half also got me pushing along in a rush since I wanted the facts (though it is obvious I wanted CONFIRMATION!). I can also see why the ending is the way that it is, though I would’ve like a slight change to it. Because you reap what you sow.