A review by jackiehorne
At The Billionaire's Wedding by Maya Rodale, Miranda Neville, Katharine Ashe, Caroline Linden


3.5 Caroline Linden gave a talk at our local RWA chapter meeting this month, focused on writing novellas. I'm usually not a big fan of the form, often coming away from them feeling like they're just underdeveloped novels, written more for marketing than for artistic purposes. But I had picked up this collection at a recent conference, and after hearing Caroline speak, I decided to give it a try.

And it didn't disappoint. The joint theme (of romances developing around the staging of another couple's wedding) worked well to make the collection as a whole cohere, and the relationships that developed between each of the couples in the first three stories were portrayed in enough detail to make them feel plausible, not just the insta-lust kind of romance. Of this group of writers, I'm usually the biggest fan of Miranda Neville, but I found myself enjoying the stories by Ashe and Linden even more. Rodale's entry was my least favorite. Surprising, since all of the authors write primarily historical, and this is a collection set in contemporary times, the stories felt timely and their characters convincing. I'm guessing we'll be seeing more contemporaries from all of these authors in the near future.