A review by deena_
A Court of Silver Flames by Sarah J. Maas


── 5 stars ☆
➷ I am the rock against which the surf crashes. Nothing can break me.

This book left me devastated, utterly speechless, a weeping and sobbing mess. Even before I finished it, the thought kicked in if I'd find a book as good as it anytime soon. I thought I was over the 'Acotar' fever by the end of 'Frost and Starlight' which led up to a month of trying to recover from a massive slump but how wrong I was! Deciding to push through the series again was the best decision so far. Only after picking it up did I realize how much I didn't want it to end; that's why I've been putting it off so long.

➷ I wish for us to have the courage to go out into the world when we are ready, but to always be able to find our way back to each other. No matter what.

I could read thousands of pages about the inner circle and the Valkyries doing absolutely nothing without complaining. This book is wickedly beautiful, magical and comforting enough to tug at your heartstrings, it gifted us so many surprises. I found the third person perspective quite unsettling at first after reading three straight books from Feyre's perspective but got used to it eventually. Despite Cassian and Nesta being the main focus, the story still allowed us to glimpse into other characters as well.

➷ Everyone deserves happiness. The road there isn’t easy. It’s long, and hard, and often traveled utterly blind. But you keep going.

I went into this book hating Nesta and came out adoring her, like actually adoring her. She might have upgraded her way out of my hate list, her character is an example of how a person can become so much more with the support of the right companions and a helping hand—kindness she didn't know she needed or didn't think she deserved. She grabbed onto Cassian's hand which he never retreated no matter how bad she bit and scratched. She nursed herself into a better person for the people who stayed by her every step of the way. Cassian has otherworldly tolerance when it comes to her, not knowing if he wants to kiss her or throw her down the house of wind.

➷ I'll be with you every step of the way. Just don't lock me out. You want to walk in silence for a week, I'm fine with that. So long as you talk to me at the end of it.

There were her friends who believed in her and joined her in her journey to overcoming her fears alongside their own. At some point, I was so desperate for the sisters to learn to accept each other without their shared past coming between them and I was so glad when they accomplished just that. This book feels like falling in love with the nightcourt all over again through Nesta's eyes and we finally get to meet the most anticipated new member of the family.