A review by laughlinesandliterature
City Love by Susane Colasanti


* I received this book from Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review*
I was excited to read this book, it sounded fun and I had heard good things about Susane Colasanti. I have to admit I was incredibly disappointed. This book was incredibly juvenile and immature. I know it is about 18 year old kids, but it was over the top.

Rosanna, Sadie, and Darcy all fell in insta-love, wanted to do GOOD THINGS. In fact I have never been so annoyed by characters in my life. Rosanna and Darcy were less annoying than Sadie, but only marginally and only because they actually had a few things to be upset about. Sadie was all happiness and rainbows that covered a kind of sad thing? I’m just not sure that what Sadie had to grieve for was really about Sadie.

The problem with the characters were that they were all these wonderfully amazing, nice people. Not one of them has a flaw that’s really a flaw. Sadie was so GOOD. She was so nice, she spent her time decorating little notes for people to make them feel happy. She calls them “warm fuzzies” BARF especially when combined with this:

“My rules about making warm fuzzies are strict. You can’t whip out a raggedy pen, write a note on some old discolored loose-leaf and proclaim that to be a warm fuzzy…Additional bedazzlement involving sequins, stickers or rhinestones is always welcome.”

Yes, because how much time and effort you put into making someone feel better is directly related to the pen, paper, and bedazzlement of the note. It’s like these girls want a gold star because they put time into these things. In my opinion anything heartfelt carries the same “warm fuzzy” as this thing you spent 4 hours on. It doesn’t matter the paper, pen, or design. It’s the thought that counts, not the fact that it’s a gorgeous work of crafty art.

Also the use of “hip” language was ridiculous. The use of “It’s my jam” was so bad by the time it rolled around to #10 (yes, I counted) I was literally 100% over this book. Also “my thing” was way way overused. I’m sure the author thought they were incorporating things that kids do these days but it just felt forced to me. Like these characters were trying to convince me that they were cool and instead came off as if they were annoying. Now I believe that most 18 year olds are probably somewhat annoying, but I never want to feel like the main characters are so annoying that I can’t stand them either.


I finished it but it was touch and go for awhile. The only reason I finished it was, that I wanted to leave a review and I don’t leave a review for unfinished works.

Let’s just talk about some of the ridiculous quotes in this book. These girls just made me want to hit them in the face with a book.

“But reading over someone’s shoulder? That’s borderline harassment.”

Um WHAT? No, no it’s not. A little rude maybe, but I wouldn’t say harassment.

“Right Around the Corner….. That’s what the sign over my bed says. I hung it there to remind me that my soul mate could be anywhere. We could run into each other when we least expect it… As Brooke would say, I will have the Knowing. I’ve been repeating it every day for two years,”

The Knowing? Is this a bad Nicolas Cage movie? You are looking way to hard for your soul-mate. sweetie. Relax, figure out who you are and the rest will follow. Just chill out. Please.

“My soul mate could walk in that door any second. When he sees me, he’ll know we’re meant to be together. It will be magic, just like in Sleepless in Seattle.”

Again. Sadie. Calm down. Nothing happens like in the movies. When you meet the person you’re meant to be with, you’ll laugh because your life is nothing like the movies. But it will be sweet and amazing and awesome just because it’s who the two of you are.


I did love the way New York was described, that was one thing that really resonated with me. I liked learning about all of the changes that New York has been through just in the last few decades. I liked hearing about how the city works on green spaces. And the author did do a very good job in portraying the differences in each little burough. I just thought that there was quite a bit that could’ve been worked on with character develtopment.

I really don’t like leaving negative reviews, I know it’s hard to write a book and I definitely don’t want to discourage anyone from writing. However, I felt like I had to leave a review for this book. There are so many things that didn’t work for me, that I feel like it’s a dis-service not to post an accurate review of this book. It may be a great book for some people, but anyone who goes into it should at least have an idea of what they’re getting themselves into. I think my disappointment is greater because I really was excited and looking forward to this book. I have to give this 2 out of 5 stars. There were alot of opportunities from my perspective.

*This review was first posted on Moonlight Gleam Reviews http://moonlightgleam.com/2015/04/city-love-by-susane-colasanti.html*