A review by caffeinatedchapters
Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover


Quotes may or may not contain spoilers

[ "Love isn't always pretty, Tate. Sometimes you spend all your time hoping it'll eventually be something different. Something better. Then, before you know it, you're back to square one, and you lost your heart somewhere along the way" ]

[ “What do you think would make a man never want to experience love again?"

"I suppose if a man lived through the ugliest side of love, he might never want to experience it again." ]

[ He pulls back just enough for his lips to meet.
my hair, then grips me tightly again. "If I were capable of loving someone…it would be you." ]


All of the characters were actually very lovable for me and showed a lot of character development.
Miles is a man who was completely stuck and shattered by his past because of a traumatic event. He did the best with what he knew—despite carrying the weight of thinking Rachel blamed him for an entirety of six years. Miles not dealing with his past and letting it consume him, only showed that when you “turn it off” and shut the bad out—you shut the good out as well, including people. Tate unfortunately got caught in the crossfire.

Rachel and him were young going through what they did and I don’t blame her for the way she handled it if things got to be too much. It was sad that it left Miles without any closure and she could’ve reach out whenever she felt okay enough to reassure him that she no longer blames him. But it needed to happen the way it did for the sake of his future and Tate. I love the way it happened.

As for Tate? I love her, I do. But miss girl was really pushing my buttons at times when it came to hers and Miles agreement. I completely understand and can empathize with how fast and hard she was feeling for him. But at one point she made it seem as though his boundaries weren’t clear from the start when they absolutely were. She couldn’t understand that him not showing the love he secretly had for her, wasn’t because of her or for some silly reason. It just got a bit irritating at times. I guess I can’t fault her for thinking with time, she could make him want a relationship. I’ve definitely had the same thought processes before. In a weird way, I felt very connected to her despite her irritating me.

As for cap—I adore that funny, adorable, insightful old man