A review by parpacifica
Feversong by Karen Marie Moning


I had been restraining myself from reading this for a year. No, over a year actually.

I never wanted the Fever Series to end. And that’s why I wanted to wait under High Voltage cake out to read this one.


I don’t know how to feel. On one hand, it’s beautifully written and doesn’t disappoint. On the other hand, it didn’t give me that heart-pounding thrill that Shadowfever did. I didn’t even swear when flipping through the pages.

I loved how Barrons and Mac’s relationship evolved. Loved loved loved. (That ending tho...)

I loved Dani and Dancer. Ryodan devolved from a megamind genius with cunning to a lil’ mushball. BUT THEN SHAZAM CAME AND HE WAS WEIRD AND AWESOME AS EVER AND THST MADE EVERYTHING OKAY.

But there was something missing. Maybe it’s cause I have been unhealthily hyping myself for over a year.