A review by tlctbr
The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven by Sherman Alexie


I picked up this book again last weekend- it had been years since I'd read it. Since "Smoke Signals" is one of my favorite movies, it's not a big surprise that I enjoyed this book. At the risk of sounding a bit obtuse, however, I have to admit that I have a hard time understanding several of the stories. For example, I read " The Trial of Thomas Builds the Fire" several times and still felt that I was missing the underlying meaning of the story. Maybe I need to brush up on my history at bit before I tackle this one again.

My favorite moments:

From: All I Wanted to do was Dance"
"It happened that way. He thought one more beer could save the world. One more beer and every chair would be comfortable. One more beer and the light bulb in the bathroom would never burn out. One more beer and he would love her forever. One more beer and he would sign any treaty for her."

From: The First Annual All Indian Horseshoe Pitch and Barbeque"
"There is something beautiful about broken glass and the tiny visions it creates. For instance, the glass from that shattered beer bottle told me there was a twenty-dollar bill hidden in the center of an ant pile. I buried my arms elbow deep in the ants but all I found was a note that said Some people will believe in anything. And I laughed."

"How can we imagine a new alphabet when the old jumps off billboards down into our stomachs? Adrian, what did you say? I want to rasp into sober cryptology and say something dynamic but tonight is my laundry night. How do we imagine a new life when a pocketfull of quarters weighs our possibilities down?"