A review by amawomps
The Far Field: A Novel of Ceylon by Edie Meidav


This is probably the longest and most descriptive book I’ve ever read. Meidav’s writing is very imaginative but also very tedious, however, I didn’t mind because the imagery was so beautiful and nothing like I’ve ever read before. I know this is fiction, but I feel like the messages and scenes Meidav dreams up in this novel are nothing short of the truth for Ceylon in the time period this book is based. This book also made me really understand Nani and Henree completely which is unique as it’s hard for authors to master controlling the opposite sex. All of the relationships in this novel are realistic and rich, and I’m left not knowing how I feel about the main character because I’m reading through his pompous eyes. Overall, this was not one of the best books I’ve read, but one of the most interesting, and I never would’ve thought it would end as it did. I guess not all books have happy endings, especially not stories that take place in third world countries in the 1940’s.