A review by sjyoklic
A Hero Born by Jin Yong


This book was ultimately underwhelming. The characters seem thin and shallow, everyone is so eager at the drop of a hat to fight to the death it's ridiculous. Maybe it's a cultural thing, lost in translation so to speak, but when an insignificant slight inspires a 'renowned martial artist' to kill it seems frankly kinda dumb. Was this written for children? I wouldn't be surprised. Also the plot is so dependent on serendipity, fate, and chance. None of what happens is driven by any of the characters actually being protagonists or being heroic. Any major plot development is either fate or some off screen force that the characters have no control over. Nothing happens because of actions by any of the main characters and ultimately to me this is poor writing.

However I give 3 stars because despite poor writing, shallow characters, and weak plot, I was engaged the whole time. I have to know how the story ends. But if anyone describes this as the Chinese lord of the rings in my presence I will slap them across the face and not feel even a little bad about it.