A review by theshaggyshepherd
When We Were Vikings by Andrew David MacDonald


When We Were Vikings by Andrew David MacDonald is the story of a young woman with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) that is on a journey to live her own Viking legend, where she becomes the hero. Along the way, she learns that there are different ways to protect and care for her tribe, that villains and heroes can sometimes switch roles surprisingly quickly, and that small steps can add up to big accomplishments.

This novel is a piece of literary fiction that has put me on a quest to search out more like it. It is difficult to believe that this really is MacDonald's debut novel because it is so masterfully done. While I was reading, I continued to wonder how someone that is not affected by this himself could write the character of such an idiosyncratic person and yet make it so believable. But after reading some author interviews with the author, it now makes more sense. Seldom have I found myself so engrossed in a character's narration and rooted for them as much as I did with Zelda. I am excited to see a new Canadian author get as much attention as MacDonald has been because it is well deserved. I look forward to reading more from him.

Thank you to the author, @netgalley and @gallerybooks for sending me an egalley in exchange for an honest review. I am glad to have been able to read this novel.