A review by claritybear
Live Work Work Work Die: A Journey into the Savage Heart of Silicon Valley by Corey Pein


I should open with the confession that I’ve known Corey for years so it’s possible I’m biased but I’m also a librarian and I don’t take reviews lightly. If I didn’t like it, I’d just have avoided doing a review.

Thankfully however (because no one wants to tell their friend that their book is terrible) it is well worthy of five stars. I’m not a techie and when I first learned about what his book would be about I wasn’t super excited to read it. But this is a book for anyone who is curious about the world of Silicon Valley but also much more.

Corey examines (in a snarky and often biting way) the tech industry and those who are trying to get it on the action. He looks at folks up close and doesn’t shy away from the dark parts. He’s sarcastic and witty while he does it and there may be some pot smoking as well.

Even more interestingly to me, is what he shares about the history of technology and in particular the very worrisome side that is inhabited by racist, mysoginistic, and cultish figures who happen to have a lot of money and a lot of power. This is not a book that will make you feel warm and fuzzy but it is an incredibly important read.

The tech industry and what the manufacture are in our lives in every way possible. And while there is certainly much to applaud and appreciate, there is also much to be concerned about. This is not a “technology is evil and will end us all” book but it is a very cautionary one and everything he discusses bears close attention.