A review by zoeyoey
Animal Farm by George Orwell


Imagine one day you approach a prosperous farm, but when you take a closer look, you notice that the farm is prosperous due to the hard work and morals of the animals themselves. For some, this may be hard to imagine, but the imagine can become a lot clearer after Animal Farm. A satirical novel based inspired by the political events going on in Russia, such as the Russian Revolution, George Orwell’s Animal Farm takes actual animals living on a farm and gives them characteristics of different types of human beings in terms of having a vision, and working in order to make the vision become a reality.

The book takes place on a farm in England. Though the book is inspired by the Russian Revolution, the time in which the book takes place is unclear. The main characters of Animal Farm include Napoleon, one of the pigs who acts as a dictator with his unfair and unequal rules. He is violent, though not directly, and gains power throughout the book via fear tactics and mischievous setups. There is also Snowball, who the animals originally choose as their leader when they decide to rebel against their farmer. Snowball is passionate and logical, and had many ideas for the Animal Farm and for spreading “Animalism.” However, he is later chased off of Animal Farm, a plot made up by none other than power hungry Napoleon. We also have Boxer, a dedicated and loyal horse who is hardworking, but later becomes weak and slow after fighting back in a battle against the Animal Farm, and is sadly tricked into being hauled off to the glue factory (I cried), also set up by Napoleon. Squealer is Napoleon’s little “sidekick,” who is sneaky and influential. For example, the animals follow a motto: “Four legs good, two legs bad!” However, thanks to Squealer, who is a follower of Napoleon, he starts teaching animals to chant, “Four legs good, two legs better!” Lastly, we have Old Major, who inspired the animals’ rebellion. He spread his ideas to all of the animals, and taught them to sing, “Beasts of England.” However, Old Major dies soon after, which is what inspires the head-butting of Snowball and Napoleon. Other animals include Clover, Moses, Mollie, Benjamin, Mr. Jones, and the puppies that Napoleon raises to protect him and attack when he commands.

The most important part of Animal Farm has to be the creation of Animal Farm, as it is what unravels all of the events that happen throughout the book. It starts with Old Major spreading his idea of living on a farm without being mistreated by some human who doesn’t care about them, just the money they bring him. The animals are greatly inspired by Old Major’s ideas, and continue to sing “Beasts of England” after it has been taught to them, and after Old Major shortly dies. Old Major’s death inspires both Snowball and Napoleon to take over responsibility for encouraging and spreading what is named “Animalism”. The animals soon rebel against Mr. Jones, and chase him away from the farm. They take over what is now named, Animal Farm. There are Seven Commandments that are (supposed to be) followed on Animal Farm:
1. Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.
2. Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.
3. No animal shall wear clothes.
4. No animal shall sleep in a bed.
5. No animal shall drink alcohol.
6. No animal shall kill any other animal.
7. All animals are equal.

Later, Napoleon has the nine puppies he trained go after animals and chase away Snowball. This is how he is able to begin to gain power and control over Animal Farm. Throughout the book, the pigs start to act more and more like humans. They eventually start to go against the Seven Commandments in ways such as sleeping in beds, but not without justifying it, or drinking alcohol. Eventually, the Seven Commandments are erased and the only rule painted on the barn states, “all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others”. At the very end of the book, Napoleon agrees to ally himself with human farmers against laboring classes both animal and human. Also, it is described that, when looking into the window of the farmhouse on what is renamed “Manor Farm,” the pigs cannot be distinguished among the humans with which they sit at a table, laugh, and drink with.

Animal Farm is and will be one of the most memorable books I have ever read. It was a book that, when reading it for hours, I did not feel bored or uninterested. It was also one of the only books, if not the only book, I’d ever read that made me feel an intense roller coaster of emotions: from feeling happy and proud at the success of Animal Farm at the beginning of the book, to being angry at Napoleon for being such a selfish leader with infuriating motives, to crying when reading about Boxer being tricked into being taken away to the glue factory. I felt passionate about Animal Farm, in a sense. The intended audience for this book is probably anyone with an interest in mocking or exposing the dark side of politics, and branches such as both good and bad leaders, and social classes. I’d highly recommend this book to anyone. As someone who doesn’t read as often as they should, I was still able to quickly become entranced by the ideas of Animal Farm, and how they were altered throughout the book, along with all of the characters that made Animal Farm out to what it became. Hopefully, it can do the same for all readers, whether they read five books in a few weeks, or five books in a few months.