A review by treylusk
The Violent Bear It Away by Flannery O'Connor


An atheist with a savor complex and a prophet who hates Jesus. He might be right in that he has a destiny but wrong in his destination.

mrs o’Conor describes the blink and grimace of every character with such prowess it gives us a super human understanding of interactions between characters, and yet subjectivity in describing each character from the perspectives of their individual delusions makes it all the more challenging to know what the realities of the store would be and muddles the truth instead of enhancing it.

But as I read more about the book I am leant to believe that it is more literal than I had at first thought and perhaps should be looked at through the old man’s perspective not as a fall into delusion but a redemption for the young prophet. The school teacher may have been right as in to be born again one must do more than be baptized and we may have seen that from the young protagonist