A review by broooe
Always a Witch by Carolyn MacCullough


I liked [b:Once a Witch|6393119|Once a Witch (Witch, #1)|Carolyn MacCullough|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1266675213s/6393119.jpg|6581611], But this book totally surpassed it.

Maybe I'm a little biased, but I tend to love books set in the 1800s. I can't really explain it but I like it makes me love the story a lot more. So I was so excited when Tamsin travelled back in time to fix the mess she created by helping Alastiar Knight regain his family's (evil) power.

As soon as she arrives in 1880s New York, Tamsin realized that the "Easy job" wasn't going to be as quick as she thought. Starting off with the creepy guy who offers her a position where he's niece works Spoiler who you find out later it's not really his niece, just some ex-prostitute he's in love with even though she's a bit pyscho and clearly in love with someone else as a maid. Tamsin refuses the job until her mentions it being for the Knights, which changes her mind and she accepts, in hopes to get there before Alastiar does.

Right of the bat you can tell that something fishy is going on in the Knight household. Maybe it's the sudden dispearances of the other Maids before her, or the fact that Cook and everyone else seems to fear La Spider, and Liam. Rosie, the "niece" is treated almost as good as Liam, although she's a maid.

Jessica, the girl Tamsin is hired to wait on, is an outcast even though she's part of the regal Knight family. She hates her family, especially her mother La Spider. She hates how they treat her, and how they treat people without talent (humans). It's clear that Jessica wouldn't even listen to her mother, except for the fact that her mother is threatening her Spoiler La Spider found out about Jessica's relationship with her old music teacher, and she's threatening to kill him if she doesn't break it off 

Liam gives off this flirtatious innocent vibe when in reality he's as evil, if not more evil then his mother. 

I don't want to give too much away,  mostly because I'm too lazy to type much more. So I'll just say that the Author wrapped everything up nicely, but without being too unrealistic. And that I'm a little sad that Tamsin's adventure is over. I hope to see more books written by [a:Carolyn MacCullough|374429|Carolyn MacCullough|http://photo.goodreads.com/authors/1298383919p2/374429.jpg]though.