A review by ingo_lembcke
The Killing Room by Richard Montanari


Started August 15th, 2013.
Slow going. Read a few reviews before (none with spoilers) and am not sure, what to expect.
Now I am 39% into the book according to the Kindle count. And thinking: too far to abandon it, not far enough to expect the end soon.
As an Atheist, the religious theme together with a serial killer and the devil (?) could have been an interesting change for once.
But the writing style is dull and the main characters (the supposed good ones, being police), while deep and real, not my kind of people. If they where killed at 50% in the book, I would like it better - fat chance of that happening, but here's hoping. Places and the city of Philadelphia are interesting, not NYC, SF, LA, Wasington DC for a change. But the main story-line drags along slow and meandering and broken with another story of the past which is a preamble to the killings, explaining them or the motives, I think. But even more dull than the story in the present. If and when I finish this (hopefully soon to read something more killing and entertaining) it will probably be my last ever book by this writer - unless a twist or something really unexpected happens, like picking up pace on the second half.
Nearly abandoning... yet still forcing myself to read further.
So far 2 Stars for the good description of a City I will never know.
OK, so now I have finished it, some of the different stories where nicely woven together and more or less solved.
For the ending 3 stars, but with a caveat: not recommended, too long and too much backstory for too many characters which was not very entertaining and added nothing for me to the main-story.
A few nice mysteries, one twist I did not see coming (when they open a closet to discover ...) and one that was too obvious: since first entering the story, I suspected one would-be victim and was right. Way too obvious. The whole case lacks a certain pace and drags along.

Would rather give 2.5, but that is not possible, so 3 stars it is. Unless you have a reason, like living in Philadelphia or liking religious crime, stay away from it. There are better books.
For instance: [b:The Rosary Murders|1082168|The Rosary Murders|William X. Kienzle|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1333764514s/1082168.jpg|1068911] filmed with Donald Sutherland.