A review by jovvijo
Honey and Clover, Vol. 7 by Chica Umino


*~*Takemoto takes a trip!*~*
I really enjoyed this book, what an adventure Takemoto was on! I did wonder what his goal was and what would happen to a guy with just a bike and pedal power! The whole story was very heart-warming and I love the person he matured into, he's really an all round great guy!

Oh and gosh bonus points for the Lohmeyer extra story - If he'd been a main character in the books I suspect he would have been my favourite!
"A charismatic, tall youth able to make even grown men feel warm and safe in his arms!"

Only three volumes left to go, oh the joy! Oh the sadness!
Time to see what everyone else is getting up to and try not to bust a gut laughing while doing it!