A review by beezzaz
The Haunted Book by Jeremy Dyson


When I was walking around my local library, I was perusing the shelves for any books that took my fancy and this book drew my attention. I picked it up from the shelf and admired the design of the book. Mysterious, I thought. The title furthered my intrigue and as soon as I saw the name of the author and that it had the seal of approval from Mark Gatiss I knew I'd be taking this home. It was written in such a way that you could be forgiven for thinking that this book was real, that it wasn't entirely fictional. It drew me in and each individual paranormal encounter piqued my interest. I could definitely see influences of The League of Gentlemen in the way the stories unfolded. The book was eerie and intriguing but it was on the tamer, more gentle side compared to some horror/thriller stories I have read but this did not hinder my enjoyment at all! Sometimes you just want to be unnerved, not absolutely on edge watching the shadows in every room for the next week. Near the end of the book I could hardly put it down as I was determined to see what the black pages at the back were all about. A very interesting end to an interesting book I must say.