A review by candacesiegle_greedyreader
Celine by Peter Heller


Here's what I loved about "Celine": The two main characters, Celine and her husband Pete, kick ass. They are senior citizens, Celine has emphysema, Pete is a step away from non-verbal, being from Maine; she's tiny and very stylish, he's big and wears coveralls. And because of their ages, no one really pays much attention to them, which is bad news for those who write them off. Celine has a better record of finding people than the FBI due to her mysterious contacts; Pete has the sort of internet search skills rarely attributed to someone over 30. Celine is really good with guns, although why remains a mystery since she grew up in a society family. They don't think about their ages, they adapt to what's not working so well and what works better than ever. I would love to read about them again.

So why four stars? I was surprised at how quickly I skimmed over the sections set in Celine's youth, eager to get back to her and Pete bumping across Montana in an RV full of guns, followed by an FBI agent with a goatee.

How great to shake up the PI genre! "Celine" is smart and entertaining. Enjoy it.