A review by meowreads_94
Ever Alice by H. J. Ramsay


Ever Alice can be considered a well written sequel of Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland. The story starts after 15 years of Alice’s first venture to Wonderland where nobody believes her and put her at asylum. Alice run away to wonderland with the white rabbit as the avobeground (a secret organization) needs help of Alice to kill the Queen of hearts.

I have a very mixed kind of feeling about this book. It is well written. Ramsay catched the essence from the original book and used the characters so well. The story didn’t get slow and the madness of the queen of heart is described nicely. But… there are a lot of ‘BUT’ moments for me in this book.

Alice is 15 (or a bit older) in this book but the way she behaves around the prince of heart as she fell in love with him probably on very first sight is still not convincing. Ramsay’s writing of the character Alice and the Queen of heart sometimes seems very childish and unexplainable like the way they are in the original book. But sometimes they behaved or their thinking process seems very mature and normal that make the reader confused. I think the writer lost the track sometimes.

The book contains so many dark and light moments but the balance between them is perfect. Still while reading the book I felt some aspects of the plot are very much inspired from the movie directed by Tim Burton.

I wish I was a fan of the original work of Lewis Carroll book so that I could enjoy it to the fullest. Still the plot and the ending is fresh. The romance (or not romance- just friendzoned) part is so so. but I like the ending. It left a question on what’s actually real and what’s not. The decision of writing the chapters from the antagonist and protagonist point of view is one of the main reasons I enjoyed it so much.

It’s hard to keep the madness of wonderland and a mature and practical and darker storyline altogether. I would like to read some more darker elements in it. But I like how the author incorporate and rearrange the old characters with new twists.

Thank you Netgalley for letting me read the advance copy of Ever Alice. It was still a enjoyable read for me.

Ratings: 3 ★