A review by bookph1le
Velocity Weapon by Megan E. O'Keefe


I feel almost guilty that it took me so long to finish this book, because it's not the book's fault. I haven't been doing much novel reading lately, so the fact that it took me two weeks to get through this book shouldn't be taken as an indication of its readability. In fact, I thought the pacing was good, I liked most of the characters, and there's an intriguing setup for the future books.

My only real gripe with this book is I don't much care for Biran. Yeah, there is some interesting political stuff going on in his chapters, but I just didn't find him compelling. I think it's mainly because I have such a strong sense of Sanda but Biran seems like a sheet of wallpaper, fading into the background.

Looking forward to reading book 2!