A review by leighannsherwin
The Lottery Winner by Mary Higgins Clark


I read this in the hope that Alvirah wasn't as bad as I thought she was. I was wrong there. Alvirah attempts to be Miss Marple and Jessica Fletcher rolled into one but comes across as pushy and annoying. She basically covers up a crime in the first story wiping up fingerprints, and washing glasses and then refusing to tell the cops about this. In Weep No More My Lady Alvirah wasn't really centre stage and didn't really solve that crime but she made it seem like she solved it single handedly. She frankly was lucky she didn't end up dead if not by criminals then by those around her who are sick of her crap. This collection revolves around murders kidnapping and a jewel thief somehow Alvirah solves them all. But boy is she a pain, bothering others who'd rather be left alone and unlike other female detectives she certainly didn't understand subtlety.