A review by ohiosarah
How Do We Know the Bible is True? Volume 1 by Ken Ham


How Do We Know the Bible is True? is a book that is written in essay format to provide answers to some of Christianity’s pressing questions such as:

Is the Trinity thee different Gods? by Jobe Martin
Laminin and the Cross by Georgia Purdom
What about the factual claims in the Da Vinci Code? by Tim Chaffey
Is the perpetual virginity of Mary a Biblical View? by Bodie Hodge
Is the age of the earth a salvation issue? by Ken Ham and Bodie Hodge
and more

The first couple chapters, to me, were somewhat technical and it took a few re-readings of sentences for me to grasp everything that was being discussed in relation to the questions but after that the rest of the book was smooth sailing. It isn’t a book though that you will find yourself snuggling up under a warm blanket at night and relaxing with – full of facts and Biblical answers to questions that Christians and non believers have – it is one that needs your full attention.

I found the information such as the historical accuracies regarding the Old and New Testaments to be very enlightening, such as I had no idea that at one time archaeologist and historians claimed that King David never existed until evidence was found that proved the Bible to be true once again. I really did find myself enjoying this book even though the information in it can be heavy at times, it’s a definite must read for Christians who are seeking answers or for those who are Christians who don’t believe in the Bible or non believers who want answers but aren’t finding them in today’s modern church.

Whether you’ve been a Christian for years or are just starting out on your walk with Christ these well researched and documented essays will have you getting out your Bible and getting some answers to questions that have longed plagued Christianity. It isn’t a denominational book – it’s written for all denominations and I really liked the sensitivity that was given in dealing with Mary’s perpetual virginity or not.

**I was given a copy of this book from New Leaf Publishing in exchange for my honest review, no other compensation was given.