A review by tbr_the_unconquered
The Burglar in the Closet by Lawrence Block


Bernard Grimes Rhodenbarr is an interesting character to say the least. He is a burglar, a smooth talker, an even smoother operative in the field of breaking and entering, outwardly calm, charming, wise cracking and occassionally loud mouthed a person ! The best thing about him is that he manages to solve mysteries while he is busy with all the above activities. Talking about his methodology of solving mysteries, it is neither the logical way noor the way of deductive reasoning. His mysteries go something like this :

Oooooohhhhh what does this button do ?

Boom ! (followed by deafening silence)

Oops ! Looks like I blew up something !

What then remains is to find out who blew up what and why they did it. It is an onrush of activity and Rhodenbarr is a nice enough fella to give you company through the proceedings. Barring the fact that the climax was slightly predictable, it was a breezy enough read.