A review by snoopyfanclub
The Book of Rosy: A Mother's Story of Separation at the Border by Julie Schwietert Collazo, Rosayra Pablo Cruz


I think this is a necessary read, it was extremely educational and also moved me to tears multiple times. It shows how heartbreaking and frustrating and painful the entire experience is and I think everyone should read it. There’s a lot of stereotypes around immigrants that are dismantled within this book.
I will say, while I think Julie is doing important work, I wish she had only written the epilogue. I found the epilogue beautifully written, and I think it was helpful to have it from a different perspective than Rosy’s. However, the initial switch to Julie’s perspective with no label beyond part 2 took me a bit to adjust to and I had to reread the first paragraph a few times. I found myself skimming her chapters at a certain point, hoping it’d go back to Rosy’s perspective.
Overall, it’s a beautiful but painful book. But I think it’s important to read these stories and also I appreciated the list of resources at the end!