A review by cindymarie
The Comet Seekers by Helen Sedgwick


I didn't know anything going into this book and honestly I feel like that made it better. I just loved the cover and saw that it was "magical realism" which interested me.
The story is told in vignettes and jumps around in time to different periods when this family saw this comet in the sky and what happened in their lives only while the comets were visible. It also follows two cousins and their forbidden love story. Normally I hate all of these things. I hate vignettes with a passion after having to read house on mango street in school. I hate time jumps that go back and forth and back again. And I'm not into incest at all. But I just freaking loved this book.
I love looking at the night sky and any time there is a comet or meteor shower or anything going on I will wake up in the middle of the night to see if I can see it. The people in this story keep watch on the sky for different reasons. While the comet is visible they can see their dead ancestors again. Having recently lost my dad I would love to have this gift.
I honestly don't think this book is for everyone, but it was definitely for me.