A review by bianchibooks
The Backstagers #1 by Rian Sygh, James Tynion IV


2.5 stars

not... entirely sure what i just read but i didn't hate it so i guess it is okay??

i don't go to an all-boys school, but i do act onstage in high school productions and i can tell you that there is a very large divide between the actors and crew members, and it was that way in middle school as well. i am going to college to major in theatre & performance, and i know right now it is going to be the same way there. the relationship (or lack thereof) between these two groups was definitely portrayed accurately in the sense that neither appreciates the other and they live in their own little bubbles, but i don't think the fantasy element was necessary.

now, i am not a fantasy person (although i said i wasn't a graphic novel person and here we are... maybe i am secretly a liar), but if the fantasy element of the
was taken out, i think i would've enjoyed this a bit more and given it a full three-stars.

the art style is super bright and colorful and expressive, but maybe a little too bright, colorful and expressive for me at times. that being said, i think the way the art continues across spreads of pages and the positioning of the panels on each page was rather satisfying.

a super quick read, though i would recommend it more probably for middle-grade readers than young adult readers. i would've loved the plot when i was a drama club newbie entering seventh grade.