A review by miroen
The Thin Places: Supernatural Tales of the Unseen by Laura K. Cowan


Something about this writing reached out of the text and caught me. The stories and the way they're told both remind me of Neil Gaiman's early works, and that is no light comparison to make. Magical Realism has been invoked in other reviews, so I won't go on and on about the flow of sweet prose or the easy, unpretentious migrations from real to unreal and back. The words speak for themselves. Dare yourself to vault over the genre fences and take a walk on the supernatural side of the everyday. Stop to enjoy some beautiful stories along the path.

I'm not usually a fan of short stories. Reading a collection is usually worse than going out for tapas. I spend too much money to get a bunch of different items, none of them offer enough to satisfy, and I finish up the evening feeling irritated and still hungry. NOT THIS TIME!

I mean, I want more, but in the bestest of ways. I'm already looking forward to reading Music of Sacred Lakes.