A review by novelbloglover
Scornful Sadie by Felicia Tatum


Book Review
Title: Scornful Sadie
Author: Felicia Tatum
Genre: YA/Fantasy/Paranormal/Romance
Rating: *****
Review: The opening to this book was amazing, it was dark, gripping and beautifully written. Our protagonist Sadie is a hunter of people who abused their gifts, like vampires and we are introduced to her as she is tracking down and vampire, who she ultimately kills. We also learn that she is the strongest sorceress in generations, since her grandmother. I loved the part in the first chapter where we learn on Sadie's heritage and some of the things she has gone through before the events of this book and I hope there is a prequel out or to come soon as I really would like to learn more about the mysterious Sadie's past. The amazing writing style and world building just continues through the second chapter which left me absolutely stunned I could not believe how entralled I was, literally glued to the pages.
I loved the scene where Sadie's grandmother appears after 5 years of Sadie leaving to tell her that the boy she loved Aiden who had his memory wiped has been found it was so beautiful it made me cry but at the same time, Sadie is told of a great evil; Bram who is going to be coming after her and she now needs to protect herself from it. This scene was also particularly moving for me as we had seen bad-ass Sadie but now we have seen a softer, sadder time to her personality as she can no longer run from her past. I love Sadie as a character as she is perfectly balanced she isn't to devoted to killing yet is isn't a character who mopes and broods constantly she strikes the perfectly balance between the two. Sadie as a character is on par with Celena from Throne of Glass. Even though I am only 20% of the way through this book I am absolutely love it and I can't wait to see what happens next. Sadie back at the family home continues to struggle with her buried feelings for Aiden and she refuses to come to terms with the fact he will be coming back into her life. It is the plan that Aiden will stay a few months at the house while they try and return his memories to him but Sadie is undecided about whether she wants to be there especially if his memories don't return.
When Sadie learns of a prophecy foretelling that a dark sorceress possibly Sadie defeating Bram, everything erupts into chaos. Aiden on his own slowly begins to remember little things about Sadie and his previous life. It turns out Sadie was never meant to be as powerful as she is, and this could all be linked to Bram who nobody seems to know much about other than he is extremely powerful and ruthless. As we approach the half way point in the novel Bram makes the first move attacked Tessi and Mel, Sadie manages to reach them just in time but the stakes of this cat and mouse game have just been raised to the limit and Sadie is at a loss of what to do, especially with more and more of Aiden's memories returning a lot quicker than anyone expected. Sadie's presence does wonders for Aiden and very quickly all of his memories return but not before something dark and dangerous is closing in on the family once more. Sadie learns more about Bram, the Sorceror Wars and what Sadie's role is in the overall prophecy. I really enjoyed the fact the novel was beginning to take a darker turn but managed to retain an optimistic and light-hearted feel to it.
Bram finally makes an appearance in the novel and he is a cocky, self-centered pompous ass and I really hate him but as the villian I guess that is the point. He basically kidnaps Sadie and tells her she can either join him or die, now faced with an impossible choice Sadie must learn everything she can about the sorceror wars and Clorva (a spirt realm of sorts). Sadie also knows that everyone close to her including Aiden will be in grave danger and that she will have to face Bram eventually despite the fact she doesn't want to accept the fact she is a dark sorceress. I really enjoyed watching the new/old relationship between Sadie and Aiden develop, but Sadie propechized future is holding her back from being completely open with him and her friends. While she knows she is the key to opening Clorva and defeating Bram she apparently has no idea what the darkest secret she has to reveal is. The intrigue and suspense of this novel is really ramping up as we went the final quater of the novel.
The water fae that had helped Sadie rescue her friends finds her again after being mortally wounded by Bram in order to warn her that the six sorcerors had already been resurrected and were coming to get her the next day. She turned out to be named Tarann and she in a ghost like form appears in Sadie's mind in order to help her accept who she is and claim the powers that will destroy Bram and the others. When Brama and the others turn up at the castle Sadie unleashes some of her new found power, she actually manages to kill one of the six like it was no challenge at all in her usual kick butt style. Bram eventually sees reason and withdraws his forces with a promise to return another day to claim Sadie. With there were some casulties and some fatalities Aiden and Sadie's family are safe and sound. While this scene was short and sweet, it was full of action and suspense and was perfectly written.
When Sadie reveals her deepest secret (it was something I actually forsore but it didn't bother me) and accepted it she and Aiden are swept away to Clorva where Bram is waiting for them. In the final scene Aiden is captured and the only way for Sadie to rescue him is to compete in the Sorceror Wars but the catch is her magic is bound and she can only fight with her weapon; a dagger and a whip. The final pages consist of Sadie entering the maze where numerous untold dangers await her and Aiden's screams. This was the most perfect cliff hanger ending I have ever seen I can't wait to get my hand on book 2 and start devouring it right away. I highly recommend everyone go and buy this book right now.