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A review by macindog
Gridlinked by Neal Asher


Ian Cormac has been gridlinked for far longer than is recommended and it's affecting his humanity. The solution is separation from the grid and, along with having to deal with the loss of that support, he's plunged headlong into an investigation as to why a runcible gate exploded on Samarkand, killing thousands.

Cormac also has enemies and one, Arian Pelter, in particular will stop at nothing, sacrificing the lives of anyone in his way, to kill him for the sake of revenge. Along with Pelter and his gang of highly-trained mercenaries comes Mr Crane, a psychotic android with a penchant for toys and well, killing.

Then there's Dragon, a mysterious entity comprised of four spheres, each about a kilometre long, with little regard for human life. Cormac first met it on Colora but why is it now seemingly aiding Arian Pelter? What are its true motives?

Gridlinked is Asher's first Agent Cormac novel and a great start to a series I hope to continue reading. Set in the rich universe that is Asher's Polity, the story is nicely paced and well dotted with sex and violence. Possibly a bit heavy on the violence but it works well here and enhances the tale. Well worth reading!