A review by mrsschumacher11
Wasps in the Ice Cream by Tim McGregor


I don’t know how I feel about this book. I loved it, but also, ugh. This book gave so much while also leaving me wanting just a tad more. My favorite part of reading this was the authors ability to really take you there. I felt like I was in this little town, I could 100% picture Main Street and the movie theatre on the corner across from the ice cream shop on its own lonely lot. The characters were all so real, they felt like people I actually knew (or did at one time at least.) I told my husband I was putting off reading because I didn’t want it to end, though I wouldn’t say this was a book I couldn’t put down. There’s a pacing to the story that I wouldn’t describe this as a quick read, but it definitely could be. It needed a little something to give me that “I have to know what happens” feeling. I suppose I did get that feeling eventually, sadly it was the very last line of the book.