A review by getmealibrary
Kingdom Cold by Brittni Chenelle


*I received this book from the author to read and review. But the opinion as always is mine*

I didn't know if I was going to be able to read it so soon. But I managed to get the chance and I'm so glad I did!

This book is a quick read, it's fast, easy and the writing is extremely enjoyable. I couldn't put it down, I would have finished it a lot quicker if I wasn't at work. (I did try and read it whilst there)

Not only is the writing enjoyable and very well done, the book itself is full of twists and turns and something very unexpected happens near the end.

At the beginning of the book Brittni gives you a Princess. A Princess which is later called spoilt. A Princess who doesn't want to be one. I instantly loved Princess Charlotte. Yes she had her first impressions and yes they weren't exactly correct and yes I did see some spoiltness in her. But I did instantly see that she was not going to be not a typical Princess. She's about to have an arranged marriage and isn't happy about it.
- I loved reading from Charlotte's point of view the most.

The book has various points of view from the main characters in the story. But mainly focuses on Princess Charlotte and Prince Young, though there is a few others.

The kingdom is crafted very well and although there isn't a map. I was able to place where all the kingdoms and locations were in my head. I was able to visually see those things.

The characters are diverse but it's not one of those books that I tend to find promote this and that's all you can think about and it's done for a specific reason of the author's. This book happen to have those characters and happened to have those settings and it wasn't all I thought about. I thought more about the characters what they were going through. The events they faced, the feelings they had. The good, the bad and the ugly of the book.

Although the blurb clearly states that Princess Charlotte's engagement starts with attempted murder, I did not expect what happened to happen. I turn the chapter and was like "oh my god" I believe that was the chapter that made me completely fall in love with this book.

As the book goes on you met more characters, we learn more about the ones we have already learnt about and more. We even meet our very own 'Lockhart'

I dived more and more into this book and every single sentence I read I fell in love and didn't want to stop reading it.

Though this book made me fall in love with it. It wasn't without some sadness. There's love, death, betrayal and happiness. This book will tear you apart and the ending doesn't get any better.

When I read a book I figure out what review I want to give it as I read. Whilst reading this book I gave it a four tea cups. But whilst reading the last few chapters, I instantly gave it five tea cups and I don't regret that decision as I type this.

Although this book was sent to me by the author for a review. I don't think she realised she was actually sending me a book that I was going to love. I don't know how long it would have taken me to find this book if it wasn't sent to me. So if you're reading this review and reading others, please add this book to TBR because it honestly is very good.
