A review by snoopydoo77
The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater


To be honest it took me a while to get into this book. For one I think I was in a reading slump, two I had a hard time connecting to the characters at first and lastly, the blurb was nothing like the story I was reading. It is a bit misleading.

 All that having been said I ended up enjoying the book more than I thought at first I would. Somewhere along the 50% mark I really started to get the character as we learned more about them and there motives and most importantly for me their backgrounds. Though this is one book I wish would not have so many POVs , which made it a bit more confusing than it already was at some parts.

The more I understood the world building the more I liked it but I think it is by far not all and we will see a lot more and new things in future books.

The story seemed dark and mysterious and sometimes sad. Really we don’t find out much by the end of the book if anything we are left hanging with even more questions than we started but somehow I really enjoyed that and it kept me clued to the pages/ (once I reached a certain point).

I can’t wait to finds out more about Blue, her family, including her father and the boys. I’m really curious to see what all will be uncovered in the next book.

I’m giving this book 3★ but only because I had a hard time getting it to it but I think the next book might be easier and therefore faster to read for me and I might enjoy it more.