A review by erincataldi
Exposed by Jessica Love


An erotic tale that hints at being a little more than that, a memoir perhaps? Jessica Love is not only the narrator, she is the author, and nothing pleases her more than teasing the reader. Jessica recounts her early days, her college experiences, and meeting her husband. But her story doesn't start to get really juicy until she and her husband Mark decide to take their love life to the next level. They venture into Seattle's sex scene by going to a very kinky nightclub. At first they don't engage anyone but each other, but after a couple months they become a little more adventuresome and Mark elicits help from some very willing strangers. Jessica, doesn't mind, in fact she's thrilled by all the extra attention her body receives. Mark, on the other hand has a harder time dealing with it. They become estranged and both throw themselves into their work (they're both attorneys) doing what they can to forget about each other. On a whim Jessica decides to go back to the club alone, little knowing the impact it would have on her life.

While this book clearly has erotic elements, there is much more to the story than that. It's a memoir filled with suspense, the narrator blithely hinting at the craziness to come. An air of mystery builds as Jessica suffers one set back after another til the final crippling blow arrives. Unlike other erotic tales this story also has a major family component (and no not incest you perv!), Jessica is very attached to her French grandmother and builds her life (and her walls) along the advice of her grandmother.

I'll admit, I was surprised the complexity of the character and the depth of the story. It went well beyond sex and there actually was a plot. Good for fans of erotic suspense or people looking for an introduction to erotica. It wasn't too hardcore or overbearing (and the sex was mostly believable).

I received this book for free from the publisher in return for my honest, unbiased opinion.